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Plugin Development

See the sample repos for how to get started and running a plugin in dev mode:

Setup steps

In the spr ui click "+ New Plugin" under System -> Plugins: extensions-plugin

Add you info from plugin.json here and start the plugin by ticking the switch.

Manually adding a plugin:

Add you info from plugin.json to configs/base/api.json under the Plugins key, and whitelist your docker-compose.yml file in configs/base/custom_compose_paths.json:

# plugin location relative to SUPERDIR
cat <<< $(jq '.Plugins += [input]' configs/base/api.json $PDIR/plugin.json) > configs/base/api.json
cat <<< $(cat configs/base/custom_compose_paths.json | jq ". + [\"$PDIR/docker-compose.yml\"]") > configs/base/custom_compose_paths.json

Start your plugin, and restart the api service to update the routes: docker-compose restart api.

Files for plugins

A minimal plugin will need the following files:

Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml

Notes on running and building:

  • if you need to build code do this in a separate container and copy over the binary
  • use the shared container image for running containers:

See example Dockerfile for more info.


This is the plugin.json file from spr-sample-plugin:

"Name": "spr-sample-plugin",
"ComposeFilePath": "plugins/user/spr-sample-plugin/docker-compose.yml",
"UnixPath": "/state/plugins/spr-sample-plugin/socket",
"URI": "spr-sample-plugin",
"HasUI": true,
"SandboxedUI": false,
"InstallTokenPath": "/configs/plugins/spr-sample-plugin/api-token",
"Enabled": true
NameName of your plugin
ComposeFilePathLocation of docker-compose.yml relative to $SUPERDIR
UnixPathLocation of unix socket relative to $SUPERDIR
URIName of your plugin url, will expose api @ /plugins/URI/
HasUIIf your plugin have UI code
SandboxedUINot in use
InstallTokenPathLocation of token relative to $SUPERDIR
EnabledIf your plugin should be enabled

Publish plugin API

If your plugin have an api you can proxy it via spr by setting UnixPath and URI in plugin.json. Your plugin api should now be available at /plugins/URI/

Publish plugin ui

If you have an ui talking to the api, specify this in plugin.json by setting HasUI: true. Your ui should now be available at /plugins/URI/index.html.

If HasUI is set to true, your plugin should be listed in the navigation under Custom Plugins.

Running and testing

To manually start your plugin:

export SUPERDIR=/home/spr/super # spr root directory
cd $SUPERDIR/plugins/user/spr-sample-plugin
docker-compose up -d

Test if your service is up:

curl --unix-socket $SUPERDIR/state/plugins/spr-sample-plugin/socket http://localhost/test

if you have published your api and have local ui code, see the guide on how to run your ui code in dev mode

Build your code

export SUPERDIR=/home/spr/super/ # spr root directory
mkdir -p $SUPERDIR/state/plugins/spr-sample-plugin
# where your plugin code/repository is located
cd $SUPERDIR/plugins/user/spr-sample-plugin
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
# verify its running
curl --unix-socket $SUPERDIR/state/plugins/spr-sample-plugin/socket http://localhost/test
curl --unix-socket $SUPERDIR/state/plugins/spr-sample-plugin/socket http://localhost/index.html

Github install

If you have a template for your plugin in a github repository you can use the github install: plugin-github-install

Plugins installed with github install will be located in $SUPERDIR/plugins/user/.