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The Service Listing

The following services are currently included with SPR:

  • api ⇨ API for frontends and CLIs to manage connected devices, network groups, and firewall rules
  • base ⇨ Networking initialization and configuration at startup
  • db ⇨ Database key/value store
  • dhcp ⇨ DHCP Server
  • dhcp_client ⇨ DHCP Client for requesting IP addresses from uplink
  • dns ⇨ DNS Service, running CoreDNS
  • multicast_udp_proxy ⇨ A multicast proxy to support multicast networking for usability
  • packet_logs ⇨ NFLog packet log emitter
  • ppp ⇨ A Point-to-Point protocol service for authenticating and requesting IP addresses from uplink
  • superd ⇨ Daemon to manage docker comms and restarting SPR
  • wifid ⇨ Wifi Base Station Service, running hostapd

Building Plugins

API Extensions


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