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Securely Chaining Routers

· 4 min read

Building a Home WiFi Network

Putting together a home network has several subtly annoying security tradeoffs.

Users want

  • Ease of Use & Connectivity

    Maximized by keeping devices maximally connected with a simple passphrase

  • Privacy and Security

    Maximized by keeping devices minimally connected. And ideally offline 🦦

If the goal is a bit of both, how to do segmentation correctly quickly becomes a bit of a puzzle

SPR Supports WPA3 with Multiple Passwords

· 2 min read

SPR's WPA3 Multiple Passwords per SSID Surprises People

WiFi nerds and people working on WiFi products have shared their surprise with me a few times now about the integration for multi-PSK with WPA3. This is something already mostly built into HostAP so it should be possible anywhere, although it is not obvious from the documentation. I'm told that most other projects simply don't do it, putting SPR at the head of the pack! In this post I'll share how it's integrated, so that others can benefit from the ideas and improve WiFi security for people all around the world.

Supernetworks just Released a React User Interface

· 3 min read

User Friendliness

The SPR project started out as a series of bash scripts and configuration files. Adding new devices was a little bit error prone, as everything was done on the command line. Each device would require a new, strong password, and each device needed to be added to a zone's configuration. Next, hostapd had to be restarted to get WPA3 password reloading to work. It was hard to debug and not apparent if things failed.

What would make SPR super useful, though, would be if it was easy to use. And a user interface can do that for us.

So this week, Supernetworks pushed out a frontend for testing.

Announcing The SPR Project

· 6 min read

Hello, SPR

I'm happy to start releasing the Secure Programmable Router project to the world. I've been running my home WiFi with it for the past few months and I'm beyond excited to give back to the open source community. I started working on this project because I think that Linux provides a tremendous amount of agility and power for secure home networking but I felt like there was no router project out there that pulled it all together.