Turtles: Virtual WiFi Hacking Challenges

Want to learn about network & WiFi security? Don't miss your chance to win a Raspberry Pi 4 and boost your security skills in our virtual challenges


Dominic J. Lopez UFO Turtle, 2021

Join #turtles on the supernetworks discord

Contest Rules

1. Submit writeups by e-mail to turtles at supernetworks.org up to one week from the contest start time (January 28th is the deadline)

2. The best writeup along with the first two correct submissions will be awarded pis as prizes. Writeups should include functional exploits

3. You can get the challenges here: https://github.com/spr-networks/turtles-feb-2023 and a web-hosted version is LIVE at https://turtles.supernetworks.org/february

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