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Orange Pi 5 Setup Guide

Turn your Orange Pi 5 into a WiFi Router, Secure VPN, or both with SPR. This guide will show you how.

Install a Docker Host System

SPR can run on any host which supports Docker, however, it is best tested with Ubuntu.

You can install Ubuntu images from

Grab the Ubuntu Server image for your board and install it. See the Ubuntu Rockchip page for help.

First Login

The username and password should be ubuntu/ubuntu

VPN Only (Virtual SPR)

SPR can run as a VPN server only. See the full VPN Setup Guide.

When running in Virtual SPR mode it uses a virtual network, so the host system's firewall and network configuration is unaffected.

Quick VPN Setup

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

VPN Port Forwarding

If there is a firewall port 51280/udp needs to be open for incoming traffic, and port forwarded to the device

WiFi Access Point / WiFi Router

When setting up SPR as a router it will configure the host device's network.

SPR is distributed as source and as prebuilt docker images. You can get them started

Follow the full setup guide

Getting started quickly:

git clone
cd super
sudo ./base/scripts/
cd ~/super/
docker compose up -d

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